Atti dei Georgofili

Le attività fenologiche di servizio in Italia

Luigi Mariani; Roberto Caterisano

Contenuto in: Atti dei Georgofili 2007

Copyright 2007 Accademia dei Georgofili

Operational Crop Phenology (OCP) can be considered as a segment of operational activities carried out by agrometeorological services (WMO, 1982). As a consequence of this, OCP is not generally limited to phenological observations but gives many other observations useful for operational purposes (agro-techniques, biotic and abiotic hazards, crop protection, irrigation, etc.), with a practical approach useful for a range of aims.This paper describes of operational phenological activities in Italy, on the base of the output of a census carried out in 2007 on mandate by Italian Agrometeorological Association. An overview on crops monitored and observational standard adopted is given and some comments about results are also discussed; operational phenology is a vital sector with persistence of some regional and local activities but some critical elements are also evident and discussed.