Atti dei Georgofili

Sismondi, l’Europa e gli altri

Francesca Sofia

Pagine: 9
Contenuto in: Atti dei Georgofili 2014

Copyright 2014 Accademia dei Georgofili


Sismondi, Europe and the others. Last survivor of the Coppet circle, Sismondi tried along its entire existence to keep the torch of liberalism endorsed by the salon of Mme de Staël. If in Coppet Europe had assumed the irregular shapes of a mosaic, in which peoples, identities, nations were juxtaposed, Sismondi’s Europe is an hybrid one. This ethnic principle gets off in the aspiration to a harmonic collective organization, able not to separate politics, economics and social behaviours. Just because the look of Sismondi always moves from the suburbs (Geneva, Tuscany) it never takes a hegemonic dimension, but remains respectful of the plurality of the other, even when laying on peoples who are not Europeans.