Quaderni dei Georgofili

Quadro normativo

Nicoletta Ferrucci

Accademia dei Georgofili
Pagine: 13
Collana: Quaderni dei Georgofili
Contenuto in: Produzione di energia da fonti biologiche rinnovabili 3 - Aspetti economici e giuridici

Copyright 2007 Accademia dei Georgofili


The paper sets out the legal framework that governs the production of energy from biological renewable sources. It highlights the double fil rouge binding the initiatives of EU and Italian lawmakers in this area. On one hand, both have been slow in making available a set of legal instruments able to provide a thorough and timely framework vis-à-vis the environmental and economic emergencies which affect the sector of energy and the need to fulfil commitments undertaken at an international level. On the other hand, they have both strongly meant to enhance the role of agriculture in the production of energy, which allows also to recover land otherwise abandoned and to increase farmers’ income.