Quaderni dei Georgofili

Prodotti agricoli primari per l’alimentazione umana

Vito Bianco

Accademia dei Georgofili
Pagine: 26
Collana: Quaderni dei Georgofili
Contenuto in: Fabbisogno e produzione di materie prime per l''agroindustria nazionale

Copyright 2011 Accademia dei Georgofili


This study contributes to the ongoing debate on the growing global food demand and the ability to exploit new opportunities for the Made in Italy. The value of the national raw material is influenced by factors that determine the lack of competitiveness of our products. High production costs, lack of concentration of supply, inadequate regulations weaken the potential of Italian agriculture. Even the industry is fragile and Organised Distribution is unable to penetrate foreign markets. We need therefore “organization and innovation” and, finally, a strong alliance between agriculture, industry and commerce to reduce costs and to boost the primary Italian productions.