Atti dei Georgofili


Romano P. Coppini

Pagine: 4
Contenuto in: Atti dei Georgofili 2014

Copyright 2014 Accademia dei Georgofili


The author welcomes the new role of Maurizio Bossi within the Associazione di Studi Sismondiani, because it gives hope in the continuation of the many research projects begun during his successful chairmanship of the Centro Romantico by the Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux. Among these projects stood out on the works of Sismondi, an intellectual who was central to the culture of the Accademia dei Georgofili and changed the action of the contemporary ruling class (G. Capponi, R. Lambruschini, C. Ridolfi). Due to this, it developed a historical debate on liberalism and sharecropping in the Fifties of the last century, as obstacles to the process of industrialization in Tuscany.