Atti dei Georgofili

Le biotecnologie genetico-molecolari a tutela delle tradizioni agro-alimentari

Pier Luigi Manachini

Pagine: 24
Contenuto in: Atti dei Georgofili 2006

Copyright 2006 Accademia dei Georgofili

Genetic-molecular biotechnologies to safeguard the traditions in agricultural and food production. Genetic-molecular biotechnologies are a powerful tool in enhancing our knowledge of the microbiological biodiversity to be found in non-industrial foodstuffs. Above all, they are based on chemical and structural properties and the role of microbial DNA. Particular attention goes to: %GC, % DNA/DNA reassociation, the presence of plasmids and restriction enzymes, the duplication and amplification of DNA, the nucleic probes, and ribosomal operon studies. The chemical, physical, sensorial and nutritional characteristics, as well as safety of use that are associated with a traditional food, are mainly due to the biochemical activities of specific microbiological populations naturally found in the raw material. In accordance with the results of our research we propose preparing a Microbiological Identity Card of foods produced in an non-industrial fashion and the establishment of a related National Collection of Microbiological Cultures. Finally we have put forward some thoughts arising from our experience on the need to organize and promote effective activities on the development of knowledge and awareness of Agricultural and Food related Science and Technology.