Atti dei Georgofili

La raccolta e la “battitura” del grano: la meccanizzazione, fattore chiave dello sviluppo agricolo

Andrea Bedosti

Pagine: 22
Contenuto in: Atti dei Georgofili 2006

Copyright 2006 Accademia dei Georgofili

The mechanisation of Agriculture can be considered a key factor of the Social Development in the last two centuries. The introduction of tractors and combine harvesters together with other key factors such as chemistry, genetic improvements of the crop have been able to multiply the productivity in the farms. Thanks to these factors the worldwide population grew from 400 millions people in 1750 up to 6 billions today. However the key question mark is: the foreseen growth of the world population can be sustained in the next future? This is the challenge of the next decades, and without any doubt Agricultural mechanization together with farming will continue to play an increasing role not only to produce food for billions of human beings but they will play a major role in the “Non Food” production, mainly for renewable energies. Biodiesel and bioethanol, two key products that can be obtained by corn, wheat and sunflowers, rape seed and soy-bean represent the easiest and fastest answer to the worldwide energy emergency. Tractors and combine harvesters will continue to be protagonist of the social development in the next Century.