Atti dei Georgofili

Il Suino Nero di Sicilia: storia, tradizioni e legami con l’ambiente geografico

Guido Falgares

Pagine: 14
Contenuto in: Atti dei Georgofili 2017

Copyright 2017 Accademia dei Georgofili

Il Convegno, organizzato dalla Sezione Sud Ovest dell’Accademia dei Georgofili, ha evidenziato come nel complesso “sistema zootecnico dei Nebrodi, dell’Etna, degli Iblei, delle Madonie”, il suino sia un ecotipo importante per omogeneità e consistenza. In questi anni lo sviluppo di allevamenti specializzati, gestiti da innovativi imprenditori, ha determinato una decisa ripresa qualitativa del sistema di allevamento e ne ha migliorato le condizioni di benessere con effetti positivi sulle qualità nutrizionali e igienico-sanitarie delle carni. Le aree e gli indirizzi di allevamento hanno, poi, consentito di sfruttare risorse altrimenti inutilizzate e hanno influenzato la qualità della produzione con una forte connotazione di naturalità, genuinità e specificità territoriale. Oggi la filiera delle carni suine è rappresentata con evidenze scientifiche che coinvolgono sia la produzione e la selezione degli alimenti per gli animali, sia la fase di allevamento, con spunti differenziali tra il Suino bianco e il Suino nero espressione di biodiversità e tipicità di un territorio.


The Black Pig of Sicily: history, traditions and links with the geographical environment. The present work is meant to give not only a “scientific” dimension but also an exquisitely “literary” one of the marvelous and complex “zootechnical system of Nebrodi, Etna, Iblei, Madonie”, where pigs are an important ecotype for homogeneity and consistency. In these last years, the development of specialized farms, managed by enterprising and innovative zootechnical entrepreneurs, has determined a decisive resumption of the quality of the breeding system of these animals and has improved the conditions of wellbeing with positive effects on the production and on the nutritional and hygienic qualities. Quality of meat. The breeding areas and addresses have then allowed to exploit otherwise unused resources and have influenced the quality of production with a strong connotation of naturalness, genuineness and territorial specificity. Today the pork supply chain, from the fields to the table, is represented with a scientific evidence that involves both the production and the selection of food for these animals, and their breeding phase, with differential cues between the white pig and the black pig that are the expression of the biodiversity and typicality of a determined territory. The research carried out by the University of Messina about the Sicilian Black Suino “ecotype Nebrodi” has analyzed the qualitative nutritional differences that characterize the different products coming from these two kinds of pigs. New instrumental technologies of genetics and sensory sciences have been used. The Consorzio Ricerca Filiera Carni (control and certification structure of Mipaaf and Accredia) has already developed, for some years now. It is due to the laboratories equipped with innovative technological instruments, confirmed by Accredia, They have worked in collaboration with the scientific world and with some companies that employ innovative systems in the field of new products and new production processes in the pig production chain. New certification systems can easily lead to the company. They combine a traceability system based on mobile phones using a code reported on the labels of the controlled and certified products,. This system makes us know the products, their nutritional composition and also the recipes, up to dialogue with the company or with the same CoRFilCarni.