Atti dei Georgofili

Il remote sensing e l'agricoltura: nuovi prodotti

Stefano Dietrich, Elena Santorelli

Pagine: 16
Contenuto in: Atti dei Georgofili 2006

Copyright 2006 Accademia dei Georgofili

The evolution of radar technologies and the launch of new satellites created for geophysical parameters monitoring, have made available to scientific community a great number of new resources for facing territorial problems. In the present work, we describe some not conventional examples of utilization of remote sensed information for the creation of products. The first example is given by the use of the remote sensed precipitation data for the measure of the leaf wetness duration, essential parameter for the prediction models and prevention of the spread of some diseases of the plants, particularly the grapewine downy mildew (plasmopara viticola). The second instance shows as the new polarimetric radar capability to observe important microphysical characteristics of hydrometeors, expecially type and size drop distribution, opens new horizons in the study and monitoring of superficial processes, being able to supply contribution to the improvement of modelling of aspects connected to erosion, validation of soil's physical-hydrological properties, hydric balance and fertilizers usage. Finally, it is shown a method for soil moisture estimation, based on the infrared sensor MODIS data, used in conjunction with SVAT model.