Atti dei Georgofili

Dalla vigna al sottotetto. Come nasce e matura l'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale

Ugo Rangone

Pagine: 12
Contenuto in: Atti dei Georgofili 2006

Copyright 2006 Accademia dei Georgofili

Traditional Balsamic Vinegar from Reggio Emilia is produced from the alcoholic and acetic fermentation of cooked and slightly concentrated, locally grown grape must. It is dark brown in colour, with a characteristic buoquet and a sweet-sour flavour. Protected by a DOP designation, it can only be produced in the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Modena. It has been known throughout the wrld since 1046, when Boniface, father of Matilde and Lord of Canossa gave some as a gift to the future Emperor Henry II of Franconia. From that time onwards until the end of the 19th century, it appears in notarial deeds recording weddings, inheritances, donations and archive documents concerning all of the vinegar barrels owned by the Este family, lords of Modena and Reggio. From 1700 it was to be found on the dining tables at the European courts presided by the ambassadors of the Este Duchy. It has been discussed and studied by the great agronomists of the past: Mitterparker in Buda, Filippo Re in Reggio, Fausto Sestini Ernesto Parisi and Mario Sacchetti in Bologna. But was the vinegar of 1046, 1500, 1700 or that studied by these great agronomists similar to the on we produce today? The tastes of our ancestors, the analytical studies and the information available in the archives tell us that there are indee differences.